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Re: when does debian 8.1 come?

On Fri, May 29, 2015, at 10:19, mudongliang wrote:
> When you upgrade to Debian 8.1 , what does the "setting " show, Debian 8 
> or Debian8.1?

/etc/debian_version will be updated, unless you modified it or
something, in which case dpkg will ask you about it as it would for any
file in /etc.

Therefore, anything that reads /etc/debian_version will show 8.1. 
However, I don't think we update /etc/issue and the like, so logins will
still show Debian 8.

Artwork is not updated, either.

I am not sure this is as a direct answer as you'd like, but it is better
than the correct-but-useless "it depends".

> > You could activate 'stable-proposed-updates' in the apt sources lists,
> > and you will get early access to packages being considered for the next
> > stable update.   Be sure to report any errors, early testing of
> > stable-proposed-updates is a very valuable service for the community.
> >
> I have a doubt about what you have said! I have used "testing " in apt 
> source!
> You said I could activate "stable-proposed-updates", did you?
> It is for stable! Why can I add it to my computer?

No.  Don't mix stable and testing.  They diverge fast, and it will cause
very big problems.

Valid mixes are:

testing + unstable (use with care).

unstable + experimental (use with *EXTREME* care).

stable + stable-backports (evaluate in a per-package, case-by-case
basis.  Security support quality for backported packages varies greatly,
all the way from pratically inexistent, to as good as ).

My first reply was in the general sense so that it would be useful to a
lot more people, so it was not just directly about what you asked. I
could have worded it better (e.g. by not using 'you'), I suppose.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org>

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