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Re: git and https

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 12:20:03PM +0100, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> >Why? Which attack do you envision[...]that would
> >be thwarted by https but not by signed commits?
> I don't; I see https as easier and hence more likely to actually get used in
> practice.

Well, on that we disagree then, I suppose. Sure, https is easy to set
up. But setting it up *right*? Not so much.

- You need to get a certificate, which costs money.
- You need to ensure that the certificate is replaced every so often
  (preferably before its expiration date), which requires procedures to
  be set up
- Most importantly, you need to configure your webserver and SSL library
  so it disables outdated protocol versions, enables newer secure
  protocol versions (doing so in a way that older proprietary clients
  who don't speak those newer versions yet and make up the majority of
  your target audience aren't excluded), and a whole bunch of other

Especially the latter is a bit of a black art, that can't really be
taught and that you can only learn by doing, and failing a bunch of
times. The ssllabs website can help you a bit, mostly by telling you
when you're doing it wrong, but it doesn't give you the whole story.

In contrast, gpg just requires you to generate a key, and configure git
to use it. That's it. Yes, preferably you'd get that key signed by
someone else so you're part of the web of trust, but that isn't a
prerequisite (that is, you can start signing today, and worry about
getting your key added to the WoT later). Explaining how to do that can
be done in a fairly short web page.

How is any of that harder than the SSL stuff?

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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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