Bug#781173: ITP: crmsh -- Command-line interface for High-Availability cluster management on GNU/Linux systems
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Richard B Winters <rik@mmogp.com>
* Package name : crmsh
Version : 2.2.0~rc2+git.115.g0e24f25
Upstream Author : Dejan Muhamedagic <dejan@suse.de>, Kristoffer Gronlund <kgronlund@suse.com>
* URL : https://github.com/ClusterLabs/crmsh
* License : GPL-2+
Programming Lang: Python
Description : CLI for HA cluster management
Command-line interface for High-Availability cluster
management on GNU/Linux systems
crmsh is one of several command-line interfaces for managing
the pacemaker/corosync High-Availability cluster stack. It was
at one time bundled with cman, but as cman is no longer used or
supported in the modern stack; crmsh needs its own package.
RHEL only used cman until corosync was able to handle quorum
on its own. In Debian, crmsh is bundled with cman. Both are
considered out-of-date.
I've authored changes upstream, and plan to keep in close
contact with the upstream team. I intend to maintain this
package via sponsorship - unless debian-ha would like to
sponsor the package and allow me to join the team.
If debian-ha is inactive, though, I'd like to get it going
again. It will be uploaded to mentors.debian.org if nothing
else, and awaiting sponsorship.
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