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dpkg-capoverride (?)


I installed jessie on a kvm virtual machine, then did rsync to a real
partition (long story short: I didn't want debian-installer to format
all my swap partitions). As a result, the ping command did not work as
a normal user anymore and said this:

ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted

Ok, a little bit of searching and I found two ways to fix this:

setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping

or better:

dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping

A little bit more of searching told me that I should use rsync -X next time.

Now I am worried about what other things in my system that I didn't
discover yet will not work because of not using rsync -X.

Do we have a list of packages where we use extended attributes?

Would it worth to have a procedure like "dpkg-capoverride" so that
whenever a package needs to change a capability, the change gets
registered somewhere other than the filesystem itself?


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