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Re: Please respect Freeze Policy

>>>>> "Didier" == Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <odyx@debian.org> writes:

    Didier> (Snipping others' parts, and moving to -devel)

    Didier> Given the (current) small exposure of
    Didier> testing-proposed-updates (aka the repository has very few
    Didier> users, therefore the packages there get very few testing),
    Didier> unstable is supposed to stay the anti-chamber of testing,
    Didier> mostly at all times: whatever you upload to unstable should
    Didier> be aimed at the next stable release.

    Didier> None of this changes during freezes, where unstable should
    Didier> only have changes targeted at testing (and therefore,
    Didier> currently, at jessie).Using experimental for new upstream
    Didier> versions is not at all an abuse; it's exactly the suite one
    Didier> should be targeting for these changes!

Hi.  You assert that even for leaf packages we should not make changes
in unstable targeted beyond jessie.  I can see an argument for that
prior to the important bug deadline.  However, past that point, I don't
see value in avoiding changes to leaf packages in unstable, and I'd like
to understand why you'd encourage folks to do so.

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