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Re: systemd, again (Re: Cinnamon environment now available in testing)


Chris Bannister:
> > If technically feasible, that would be a far better safety net (just tell
> > people to boot with init=/sbin/sysvinit if they run into a problem) than
> > an "oh dear, it's so dangerous that we don't even install it by default"
> > message. :-/
> Surely, it should be an OPT-IN choice, not an OPT-OUT one? I'm talking
> upgrades here, not new installs.
I am talking "if we decide to use a configurable symlink, then
surely systemd will have the highest priority". [*]

Yes, that does mean that, if you do not do anything else, your system will
boot with systemd. Which IMHO is as it should be.

Quite frankly: If you're savvy enough to do something to your init setup
that is no longer supported, and at the same time stupid enough to upgrade
to Jessie without reading the release notes _and_ ignore systemd-sysv's
debconf notice (which doesn't exist yet, but should probably be added),
then that's your own damn fault.

[*] /etc/alternatives isn't really suitable for this, because you could not
	boot with an empty /etc directory. systemd wants to be able to do that
    ("factory reset"). But there are other possibilities.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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