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Re: delete my resume in your web site


On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 02:48:33AM +0000, Jenny zhou wrote:

I requested many time. but my resume is still on your web site.

Can you help me to delete that?


I do not see how/why this would not be possible. However, you might
try explaining us first how this file landed in our servers. If that
was through a mail sent to one of our mailing lists, then you might
provide us with a pointer to that post. Also, you might explain why we
should think that you are the person owning that resume (your present
email address differs from that of the file; is Yingwei somehow
synonym for Jenny?).

Fundamentally: are you entitled to ask for that file removal?

The questions above might explain why nothing happened to date, even
if you have asked "many time" to remove that file for our servers.

Thank you,

Filippo Rusconi, PhD - public crypto key 7694CF42@ pgp.mit.edu
Researcher at CNRS and Debian Developer <lopippo@debian.org>
Author of ``massXpert''     at http://www.massxpert.org

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