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Re: Two new architectures bootstrapping in unstable - MBF coming soon

2014-08-28 01:55 Wookey:
+++ Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo [2014-08-27 20:25 +0100]:

Congrats!  The sooner that you graduate out of debian-ports, the
better for other architectures that want to get into ;-) -- although
arm64 is still there, for some reasons.

We are using the binaries in debian-ports to help bootstrap debian
proper (cycle breaking), so will keep debian-ports running until
everything there is also built in debian-proper, then we can turn it
off, and as you observe, 'free up' a slot. That should be within the
month judging by current rates of progress.

Ah, OK, thanks for the explanation.  I thought that it was just a
pending task that was not carried out for some reason, or not
reflected yet in the website.

The part of freeing up a slot was meant as a joke though, no hurry :-)

I am very happy to see these new arches progress so quickly!

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo@gmail.com>

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