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Guile language support in make


        I have two constituencies here; people who would like to see
 guile support in make, and to explore the new features. And people who
 expect a sensibly small set of packages essential to building other
 packages in Debin.

        Without guile suport, make just depends on libc, and nothing
 else.  Guile support adds the allowing packages to the dependencies:
   guile-2.0-libs, libgc1c2 (>= 1:7.2d)

        Since make is build essential, I am not going to pull in these
 extra dependencies without due consideration, so I have put the
 wishlist bug to add the support as wontfix, for the moment. However,
 just install guile-2.0-dev, apt-get source make, and rebuilding should
 give you a guile supporting make, so it is a low barrier of entry. I
 have labeled wontfix a bug report to prevent that from happening,
 since that would change the behaviour of make compiled on a machine
 (not a sterile build environment) somewhat different than the official
 package.  I suspect that there are a lot of things in the environment
 that could change the resulting binaries, which is why most
 deterministic build scanarios start with a well defined build
 environment; and in such an environment the current make package will
 indeed build consistently without guile support (unless build-essential
 or debhelper grow guile dependencies, and I';; of course watch for
 that). But,  enough rambling.

        How do we move forward with enabling guile support in make?

        Building two binary packages from a single source seems hackish,
 since make and make-guile would require  ./configure to be run again,
 and each target of the ./debin/rules might need cleanup/restart. Not
 unsolvable, but messy, and I do not have the motivation to do
 that. Patches welcome, of course.

        I would like to solicit the opinion of the developers about the
 value of adding Guile support to the default make package, at the
 expense of two smallish additional dependencies.
 http://blog.melski.net/2013/11/29/whats-new-in-gnu-make-4-0/ has a
 write up on what guile support would bring.

        Thanks for listening

Perl itself is usually pretty good about telling you what you shouldn't
do. :-) --Larry Wall in <11091@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@acm.org> 
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