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Re: New Cinnamon Maintainer, looking for help

Hi Marga,

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 08:13:38PM +0200, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> There's also nothing stopping you from going to the web interface and
> checking.

Actually, there was. I lacked the time and tools to do so when I posted my
emails, which is why I asked rather than checking.

I would love to see cinnamon actively maintained in Debian and I'm glad there's
interested in doing so. I just wanted to make sure that those involved were
aware of the process for taking over a package, so there wasn't unnecessary
hostility or other problems. So far, nobody replying to my messages has
indicated that they are aware of the procedure, and intend to follow it.

> You will see that before the commits made by Maxy and me there are
> also the commits made by the previous maintainer.  So, yes, it's a
> clone.


> The original mail said "new packages" because most of them are
> actually new.

I see. Thank you for clarifying.

> Sure.  We have now both been added as admins of the pkg-cinnamon repo
> and will consider moving the git repos there.  Since we want MORE
> people to contribute instead of less, we wanted to get the
> administrative procedures out of the way, and that's why we originally
> chose collab-maint instead of waiting for pkg-cinnamon to be made
> available.

I'm personally a big fan of collab-maint and would suggest that when the MIA
situation is resolved, if you wanted to keep it in collab-maint I don't see
why you should move it again, personally.

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