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Re: Bits from keyring-maint: Pushing keyring updates. Let us bury your old 1024D key!

On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:46:17 +0000, Luca Filipozzi writes:
>I propose 2014-SEP-01.  Gives people six months to get this done.  Even *I* can
>get it done in that amount of time.  I've already emailed my fellow Vancouver
>Debian Developers in the hopes of coordinating a revolution^Wkeysigning [1].

lucky you - that schedule won't work for others like me here in AU; there's 
exactly one other DD just under 100km away, the remaining few on the 
same continent are all 1000+km distant, and i have zero budget and time 
for attending conferences or other social gatherings.


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 0xB963BD5F (or 0x42BD645D) + http://snafu.priv.at/
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