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Re: default init on non-Linux platforms

On 02/28/2014 01:10 AM, Tom H wrote:
>> Just to name a few:
>> - getting rid of the ugly LSB headers
> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The "Short-Description" and
> "Description" LSB fields are useless, but I don't find Debian's LSB
> headers and Gentoo's squiggle-delimited stanzas any more beautiful or
> uglier than the other. What's important is that they do the job of
> allowing their respective rc routines order the startup - and they both
> do so.

IMO, it's better because less verbose. I just feel like the syntax is
better, also because it's integrated with the rest of the runscript
syntax, but that might be consider not so important, I can agree with
that to some degree.

>> - Dependency loop breaking system
> What does this mean? That there are bugs in the dependency headers in
> the 1000-odd initscripts in Debian where openrc can work through the
> problem and insserv send you to the BTS?

This means that OpenRC goes through the "use" links (Should-Start, in
the LSB header format), and see if it needs to remove one of them in
order to break the dependency loop, and have a somehow satisfying boot
order. Note that this is only a feature available in a Debian specific
patch for the moment (not upstreamed yet). In Debian, that's located in
debian/patches/0020-dependency-loop-resolver.patch if you want to have a
look. I hope we can have this upstreamed soon before 0.13 is released.

> Is the mini-runscript style as experimental as Petter's 2-line sysv-rc
> script?

It's not. It's just that with OpenRC, you can decide to implement *or
not* the start() and stop() function. If you don't, then OpenRC will use
its internal function instead.

> Anyway, ifupdown and netifrc are pretty much equivalent.

And I don't see the point of having Debian switching to the Gentoo style
of things, so we agree! :)

> Finally, there's the issue of parallel boot. Debian has it in squeeze
> and wheezy with insserv. Has openrc fixed "rc_parallel"?

Yes. The dependency loop breaking system fixed it. What's remaining to
be fixed though, is the text output which is (very) ugly when the
parallel booting is activated.

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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