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Re: init.d script not using !/bin/sh

Excerpts from Thomas Goirand's message of 2014-02-09 05:14:17 -0800:
> Hi,
> While we can discuss during literally *years* about which init system to
> use, I think it's more productive to try to improve what we have in
> packages, so I'd like to talk about that.
> One thing that bothers me is that some of our sysv-rc init.d scripts
> aren't using /bin/sh as interpreter.
> For example, on my laptop, the only one that I have is MySQL. Then after
> fixing the shebang and running checkbashism, I can only see:
> possible bashism in /etc/init.d/mysql line 86 (echo -e):
>           echo -e "$ps_alive processes alive and '$MYADMIN ping' resulted
> in\n$ping_output\n" | $ERR_LOGGER -p daemon.debug
> That's it... So that's a typical case where it should be possible to fix
> things, and get rid of bash.

Is that really an important goal to spend our time on?

A shell is a shell.. would it be reasonable to want to get rid of all
perl scripts in packages too?

> If possible, I'd like to make a survey of what kind of interpreter
> packages are using for /etc/init.d scripts. How can I do that? Note that
> this would make OpenRC maintainer's life more easy, and avoid ugly hacks.
> Is it too late to fix this as a release goal, so that we get every init
> script to use /bin/sh?
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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