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Proposal: remove krb5-appl (rlogin, rsh, telnet, ftp with krb5 support)

A few months ago, Russ Allberry stepped down from co-maintaining
I'm reasonably happy to keep maintaining it, although when we thought
about it, we cannot think of anyone using the package.
It provides krb5 versions of rlogin, rsh, ftp and telnet.
The telnet is insecure and should not be used; even with encryption
turned on, it's only DES and has other design defects.

The other utilities kind of work, but ssh (with Kerberos authentication
if desired) is a much better solution.

My proposal is to drop the package from the archive, but I wanted to
give others a chance to shout out that I'm wrong and that there's some
compelling use-case I've missed.
If someone can convince me that the packages are useful I'm happy to
spend some effort on them.
However, I don't think that's the case.

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