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Re: Bits from ARM porters

KiBi wrote:

>Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox@debian.org> (2013-12-03):

>> What is the opportunity cost here? Are there no machine available
>> within budget? If that's the case, what's the current budget that
>> Debian Project can contribute, and what's the shortage to buy ARM
>> 64-bit hardware *today*?

>arm64 hardware availability (or lack thereof) might be the blocker here.

And the MIPS thread â??right nowâ?? shows how much we would not want
to rely on prototype/evaluation boards.

>> During Jessie lifecycle, there will be demand for stable ARM64 port.

How about not releasing arm64 with jessie, but making a snapshot of
unstable/arm64 (from debian-ports possibly) at that point and offering
that as â??jessie-arm64â??, like â??etch-m68kâ?? was done?

With less than a year to go, this sounds like a safe route, and will
lead to people not needing to rush things.


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