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Re: Proposal: switch default desktop to xfce

Op 25-10-13 15:43, Olav Vitters schreef:
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 01:41:23PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
>> There is no good reason other than "that's the way GNOME has been
>> written". So change the code and get GNOME to behave properly.
> Because you raise this again:
> - No maintenance on ConsoleKit since 1.5 years, despite me/GNOME raising
>   this as an issue end of Jan 2012
> - XFCE relies on either ConsoleKit or logind
> Concretely, who will "change the code"? I mean a name and something in
> the git log of ConsoleKit (or fork it and call it something else).

What's wrong with "whoever needs this fooKit thing, whatever it is"?
Deciding to drop support for "code I don't personally use, but other
people depend on" is just wrong on so many levels.

This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space.

If it starts pointing toward space you are having a bad problem and you
will not go to space today.

  -- http://xkcd.com/1133/

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