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question about build a package

Hi all! This is my first post :-)

I try to patch postfix and I want be sure that my procedure is correct :-)

apt-get source postfix and I see:

f 215552 Jun  3 13:35 postfix_2.7.1-1+squeeze1.diff.gz
f 1754 Jun  3 13:35 postfix_2.7.1-1+squeeze1.dsc
d 4096 Jun  3 13:35 postfix-2.7.1
f 3418747 Jun  3 13:35 postfix_2.7.1.orig.tar.gz

I go to postfix-2.7.1 dir and I patch:

patch -p1 < patch.x.y.z

everything ok

to rebuild I do:

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us

and I've a new postfix package

A question: the dir of postfix (created by system after apt-get source
postfix), is already patched with debian patches? or I need compile debian
patches to that dir?

Thanks and sorry for banal question :-/


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