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Re: Web ID as passwordless authentication for debian web services [was: Re: Developer repositories for Debian]


Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> writes:

> Do you have any thoughts on how that compares with using
> BrowserID/Persona?  I'd got the impression that BrowserID has been put
> together learning from mistakes of OpenID & WebID, but perhaps I'm just
> swallowing their marketing.

AFAIU, I guess that, at least from the user-friendliness POV, the main
perceptible difference, is :
 - OpenID uses a URL as a person's identifier : may or not be easily
 - WebID uses a URL too, same problems (there are other benefits over
   OpenID, however, but limiting this post to this aspect of user
   friendliness only)
 - BrowserID uses a "mail like" identifier, which we seem to have gotten
   used to remember more easily, it seems.

There are tons of other aspects to compare, of course, but from the
marketing POV, these are quite importants ones ;)

My 2 cents,

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER 
http://www-public.telecom-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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