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Re: Bits from ARM porters


2013/12/3 Aurelien Jarno <aurelien@aurel32.net>:

> On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 12:43:36AM +0100, Hector Oron wrote:
>> 5.2 Setup arm64 debian-ports
>> ────────────────────────────
>>   ⁃ arm64 setup as new bootstrapping port
>>   ⁃ manual builds could be uploaded but possible lack of space
>>   ⁃ 9 more packages needed for a minimal bootstrap

> I have been contacted by Wookey earlier this year about adding arm64
> port to debian-ports, and everything is now ready. I am still waiting
> for the buildds email addresses and ssh key though.
> It is already possible to upload packages, as space is not an issue on
> debian-ports since we moved to the machine offered by DSA. That said
> adding a new architecture is a problem (I had to add mips64el on the
> waiting list recently), as we are lacking CPU and disk I/O. Remember we
> have about 2/3 of the architectures in the official Debian archive, on
> a single virtual machine.

Wookey, any ETA for providing buildds email addresses and ssh key?

Aurelien, currently debian-ports is a libvirt VM all by itself on
DL850 hardware, which it is undesired, so debian-ports cannot have
more resources on that machine until it moves away (preferably as
Debian service if that's desired).

>> 7 Debian-Ports integration in Debian
>> ════════════════════════════════════

> I find strange that it has been discussed and actions have been taken
> during an ARM bof, without having been contacted. Anyway let's see the
> various points:

Aurelien, this is chicken-egg problem, I added that point for
discussion for the meeting (which was published when announced the
discussion agenda, few months away). I was wanting to discuss with
you, once there is some material for discussion. Actions have not yet
been taken, as it needs to be discussed with you. Let's have a look to
the issues more deeply:

>>   debian-ports needs a user mailing list.
> That could be a good idea. Note however that there is currently a
> buildd-maintainers@debian-ports.org contacting the buildd maintainers of
> all architectures there.

There are no public forums for debian-ports discussions. Some
debian-ports buildd maintainers would benefit from that so share
experiences and share common problems. It would also be a common
ground to know which ports are being added/removed, etc... Instead of
handling that in private. I think we all are in the same thinking that
a mailing list would be good. So, for fixing the problem:

>>   Which mailing list should be used for debian-ports discussion?
> I am opened to suggestions that do not involve the debian-ports machine,
> as the goal is to reduce the things hosted there.

While the ARM sprint, Manuel Montecelo suggested to create one in
alioth or we can either replace debian-ports@lists.debian.org alias by
proper mailing list, as that list currently spams all porters lists,
and some people is annoyed with it.
 a. create new mailing list on alioth
 b. re-purpose debian-ports@l.d.o
 c. other

>> 7.1 Hand machine over to DSA
>> ────────────────────────────
>>   All that needs to be done to handover machine to DSA:
>>   ⁃ Identify services running on d-ports
>>   ⁃ Transfer services to DSA machine
>>   ⁃ Transfer domain names to DSA
> As already said earlier, I am fine doing that as long as we do not loose
> features or contributors. What is clearly missing in the list above, is
> the manpower to do the transfer and the maintenance once the transfer is
> done (unless DSA is planning to do the full administration, including
> wanna-build, archive, ...).

No DSA should not do the service administration. I would expect the
manpower to do the transfer and maintenance would be done by
debian-ports team (which includes you, me and other people behind the
curtains if there are some).

> Here is the list of services:
> - mini-dak for running the archive
> - FTP server for uploading packages and serving the archive and CD images
> - web server for serving the archive and CD images
> - wanna-build
> - postgresql for wanna-build
> - web server for wanna-build frontend (pgstatus)
> - mail server + wbpy to store the build logs
> - rsync server for serving the archive, currently restricted to mirrors
>   due to I/O issues
> - git server and web server for the code and data used on debian-ports
> - script to create an incoming directory
> - script for transitions tracking (ben)
> - POP3S server for buildds behind NAT
> - DNS server for debian-ports.org
> - web server for the public website
> - IPv6: not really a service, but used for buildds without public IPv4

I opened RT#4808, attaching that list, in case, we decide to take action on it.

>> 7.2 Enable unreleased suite handling in archive tools
>> ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
>>   Aparently, keeping separated archive for debian-ports would be good,
>>   so we can still have waky-hacks in -ports, while do clean bootstrap in
>>   Debian archives.
> The unreleased suite is a very important feature that should not be
> lost, unless we allow porters to NMU packages in a short timeframe and
> even during freeze. Another feature of the archive is to be able to
> upload packages versions newer than the current one, but older than in
> the sources. This allow things to progress even if the current package
> in unstable is broken and the maintainer doesn't cares about ports.
> People proposed to add theses features to dak, but nobody actually did
> the job so far.

In general, people was not kind on merging debian-ports archives with
Debian ones, the main points I got:
- People doing nasty stuff to get ports bootstrapped
- Wanted a clean bootstrap in official Debian archives
- ftp-master tools do not support unreleased suite (which maybe with
multi-archive support could be fixed in the long run)

In particular, I asked directly to Mark Hymers (ftp-master) and he
liked more the option of debian-ports having its own separated

In conclusion, I believe debian-ports could and should be running the
software is currently running with no changes.

Do you agree?

>> 7.3 Merge wanna-build DB into official one
>> ──────────────────────────────────────────
>>   ⁃ We want to be able to keep same architecture in both Debian and
>>     Debian-ports (Note: Debian-ports packages carry scary hacks, and
>>     Debian bootstrap should start from clean start)
> Note that we are running the same software than in Debian, even if it
> is sometimes lagging a bit. Thanks to Philip Kern for his work on that.
> Remember that it means wanna-build should look for unreleased. Also
> remember it means that non-DD should be able to access wanna-build. If
> possible the same persons should also have a shell with access to the
> packages files and wanna-build to be able to handle transitions and
> schedule NMUs, like the release team is doing.

This point ought to be discussed with Philip Kern, I have not yet got
around to that.
Philip, would you mind to let us know your thoughts on the matter? Do
you prefer to keep two separated databases for wanna-build or merge
them? Please, also consider that ftp-master is working on
multi-archive support and that might need a database re-design.

>> 7.4 Enable non-DD uploaders for d-ports
>> ───────────────────────────────────────
>>   ⁃ Recognise porting work in the NM process independently of whether
>>     individual packages are listed as being maintained by that
>>     person. Needs some tools or existing tools adapting to ports
>>     structure.
> I don't really see the point, as it is already the case. Actually most
> of the uploaders in debian-ports are non-DD, and it is something that
> should not be lost in the transfer either.

If debian-ports is converted to official Debian service, then all the
user database is extracted from LDAP, which allows access to DD, but
non-DD have a problem (similar with alioth guest accounts). Somehow
that needs to be solved. While in the sprint, few DAM members were
around and we were able to discuss it a little bit. Apparently, the
consensus was to make those people Debian contributors or the such
early in the process, if I understood correctly.

To be clear, we all want those non-DD to continue to do their work
transparently, but there are some technical/structural challenges to
solve before making it a reality. Maybe some DAM member can throw more
light on how can we enabling those people, maybe is not that much of a
problem if we keep a separated archive for debian-ports.

Aurelien, here I am trying to solve a long standing problem, not
making it worse, which involves several teams and I would like to be
carefully planned before any action is taken. Somehow, I assume the
move of debian-ports into Debian infrastructure is wanted, if not,
please say so and I'll stop here. Thanks.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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