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Re: Bug#715509: ITP: su2 -- Software for PDE based analysis and optimization

Excerpts from Aniket Aranake's message of 2013-07-09 13:05:09 -0700:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Aniket Aranake <aniketaranake@gmail.com>
> * Package name    : su2
>   Version         : 2.0.5
>   Upstream Author : Susquared Developers <susquared-dev@lists.stanford.edu>
> * URL             : http://su2.stanford.edu
> * License         : GPL
>   Programming Lang: C++, Python
>   Description     : The SU2 software suite specializes in high fidelity PDE analysis and design of PDE constrained systems on unstructured domains. The suite itself is composed of several C++ analysis modules that handle specific tasks, including the solution of the PDE system, decomposition of the domain for parallel computations, grid deformation, and many other tasks required for shape optimization and sensitivity studies. Some specifics of these modules can be found on the SU2 Tools page of this documentation with more complete information available in the Developer's Guide. The current development of this code is done by the Aerospace Design Lab at Stanford University.

This, and the homepage, do a terrible job at explaining what the heck this
is. I had to click 2 pages deep to know that PDE is Partial Differential

That would seem to be a key concept, and so I'd suggest that PDE be
explicitly stated as "Partial Differential Equation" at least once in
the description.

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