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Re: security policy / root passwords

On 10/06/13 12:34, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> a) a web site displaying a "PolicyKit" popup that resembles the wording
> of the Debian popup

GNOME Shell does mitigate this by using a distinctive UI for
"system-modal dialogs", which makes use of the fact that the Shell is
the window compositor in order to dim the rest of the screen:


That's the "power off" dialog, but PolicyKit prompts are similar. Notice
that everything outside the dialog is desaturated and darker than usual.
I would hope that web browsers don't have that level of control over the
system's appearance (going to full-screen is the closest they could get,
and they'd still have to reproduce a darkened form of the entire screen
contents somehow).

> b) an X window compromise that allows an attacker to display a popup
> (although such compromises often give the attacker the ability to
> monitor keystrokes and obtain passwords in other ways)

I don't know whether a client with X access would be able to emulate a
system-modal dialog more closely; it might be able to do tricks with
screenshots? As you say, input logging is probably more of a concern here.


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