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Re: Bwaaaaah I will tell my daddy^W^Wthe CTTE^W^Wa GR

Am Donnerstag, den 23.05.2013, 08:51 +0200 schrieb Bjoern Meier:
> hi,
> 2013/5/23 Ondřej Surý <ondrej@sury.org>:
> > Joss isn't the only one to blame. Could all please stop bashing each
> other (and Joss) and stick back to technical arguments? (Saying "I'm
> sorry" privately to each other for each ad hominem argument used in
> this thread would also help!)
> >
> > I can clearly see what has provoked this reaction and I have a deep
> understanding for it.
> >
> > Ondřej Surý
> > P.S.: You should also stop using phrases like "five years old" -
> using the word "inappropriate" would make your email still correct,
> but not so dishonesting.
> could everybody just please stop spamming? (my first and last attempt.
> I don't need a list of  'good guys' with watchguard behavior All I
> read is:"Mimimimimi!" in ALL directions.

Ondřej Surý is not spamming. He raises an important issue. Insults and
disrespectful behavior on debian-devel are not welcome. There is no
excuse for such behavior. You might have a thick skin and disagree, but
not everyone is happy to deal with bad manners. So I ask for

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer

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