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What's up with base-files?

What's up with this base-files stuff? That's the second high-profile package
I notice needing to put in a switch on it, and I’ve locally noticed even more
and re-instated my lsb-release #624769 workaround in all sid chroots and buildd
to get this fixed *again*:

root@aranym:~ # cat /var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow/etc/lsb-release 

I ask for just timely processing base-files into wheezy and getting a fixed
version back into sid. Or just *never* having a version of base-files in sid
declare wheezy as version, and have base-files always go via t-p-u.

Can't be *that* hard, and while t-p-u may be “not nice”, breaking lots of
packages that used to rely on lsb-release is worse.

Alternatively, I ask all buildd admins to install /etc/lsb-release scripts
into all of their chroots. (Doing that for cowbuilder is much harder,
unfortunately, as it must be done manually, and only if it targets sid.)


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