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Re: Ifupdown, loopback interface, /etc/network/interfaces.d

]] Andrew Shadura 

> I'd like to hear opinions on this idea.

I think you should just get a wheezy-ignore tag from the release team
and solve this properly for jessie.

Also, your fix doesn't actually solve the RC bug either: You Must
Preserve All Admin Changes in /etc.  Not just the ones you think is
sensible or reasonable.  Why not just report that the file is missing
and leave it to the admin to fix (on upgrades, feel free to create it on
the initial installation)?  After all, if they have removed it, they
probably know how to bring it back.

My suggestion would be to, over the jessie cycle, deprecate (but still
read) /etc/network/interfaces and for jessie+1 just drop the file and
only use the .d directory.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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