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Re: RFC: Realtime system (audio) group

On 01/25/2012 12:43 PM, Bastian Blank wrote:

[background story: pro-audio applications run with POSIX realtime
priorities to meet low-latency deadlines. We ship
/etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf in the jackd packages to grant rt
privileges to the audio group]

Why does jackd not grant _itself_ RT priority? It can grant itself
CAP_SYS_NICE, which allows arbitrary mangling of priorities.

   # setcap cap_sys_nice,cap_ipc_lock+eip /usr/bin/jackd

Works, but is hardly an improvement. It's either a stability risk (if
not limited) or:

It could still limit the usage for users with the audio group and just
drop the capability of the user is not in this group.

Which would still require the user to be part of a special group. The
audio group can't be used for this, as it would again combine "access to
sound card" and "have realtime permissions" as described in #656910.

So we're back at how to name this group. ;)


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