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Bug#633159: Fw: Message with no Package: tag cannot be processed! (Debian Lenny to Squeeze upgrade)

reassign 633159 upgrade-reports
tags 633159 squeeze

Hi Linda,

Linda R wrote:

> The bug is that after I installed Squeeze, the Tex distribution
> totally died.  And after I ran "upgrade-from-grub-legacy", the
> graphical interface and greeter no long work.

Was this a new installation or an upgrade?  Where did you get the
packages from?  What messages does TeX print to show it's dead?  What
greeter did you use before, and what symptoms show it no longer works?

> I think some of the documentation was unclear and left ambiguous
> instructions

If, as it sounds like, you ran into some bugs, then no amount of
documentation except for a document with generic debugging
instructions (which would indeed be nice) is going to help,
unfortunately.  Bugs are about undesirable or unexpected behavior and
with the effort to document them correctly, it's often easier to fix
them.  With more details, it might be possible to give more pointers.

I'd also be interested in logs from the installation or upgrade.  With
more details about what happened (e.g., whether this was a new
installation or an upgrade), it should be possible to help with that,
or barring that, the kind people at debian-user@lists.debian.org
should be able to help (for details, see [*].  In particular, on that
list people who want to be cc-ed on replies need to request so).


[*] http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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