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List of override disparities

Policy § 2.5 [0] states packages must not depend on other packages with
lower priority values. In order to better adhere to it, FTP Team
recently implemented a new tool that generates a list of override
disparities[1] daily.

We export a yaml-formatted list, limited to the affected packages only,
with this group of attributes:
* package name
* maintainer
* priority
* dependencies with their overrides

Feel free to look at the list and eventually report a bug against
ftp.debian.org pseudo-package to ask for override adjustments or adjust
your package. Please adjust this template as your subject string to ease
the FTP Team's job:

     override: packagename:section/priority

Please keep in mind that override disparities are neither RC bugs to
flood squeeze with nor do they need a mass bug filing for all the
packages (or flooding ftp.debian.org with). Instead, simply adjust your
package when you agree that your package is wrong, or file a bug on
ftp.debian.org having us change the overrides for your package, when you
think our overrides are wrong.

[0] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-priorities
[1] http://ftp-master.debian.org/override-disparity.gz

 :  :' :   Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
 `.  `'

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