Re: Lintian ERROR saying dpatch is obsolete
Gergely Nagy schrieb am Montag, den 28. November 2011:
> Alexander Wirt <> writes:
> >> > Recently [1], dpatch's maintainer uploaded a new version indicating
> >> > that dpatch is now deprecated. Following that, he filed a bug [2] so
> >> > that lintian might warn that dpatch's makefile has been deprecated
> >> > since 2003, and that dpatch itself is now deprecated. However, he
> >> > also stated that he plans to keep dpatch for wheezy.
> >>
> >> Just for the record, to reiterate what I have said previously[1], dpatch
> >> will be kept around until it can be removed safely: when all reverse
> >> build-depends have been migrated to something else.
> >>
> >> [1]:
> >>
> >> That certainly won't happen before wheezy, and is unlikely to happen for
> >> wheezy+1, too. My plan still is to phase out dpatch by wheezy+2, but
> >> until then, it's a legacy that should be migrated away from, and must
> >> not be used for new packages.
> > Since there is no proper alternative (no quilt is not) I will continue to use
> > dpatch for all of my packages. If neccessary I would volunteer to take over
> > upstream.
> I'd rather figure out what makes dpatch better than quilt for your
> use-cases, and go from there.
Usability. Hacks like .pc, or the hacks/patches it has for finding this
Dpatch is small and simple, quilt is a beast that trickled me several times
in other projects.
> Nope, I'm not going only for leftover rdeps. I'll investigate the harder
> cases too, where migration is either non-trivial, or it involves finding
> a suitable alternative (be that quilt, something built around quilt, or
> something completely different).
> I planned to do this by first getting rid of the easy ones, but if
> people who prefer dpatch over other solutions step up and tell me up
> front why they're happy with dpatch, and unhappy with the things I
> consider alternatives, so much the better!
Its simple and things like dpatch-edit-patch are just great. I now use dpatch
for round 8 years and it worked every time. I don't see any reason to move
And I still like the "never touch a running system" approach. If dpatch works
without problems, why deprecate it?
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