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directory under /usr/bin -- Ok or not?

Do we have any policy/recommendation forbidding/disadvising  having
subdirectories under /usr/bin?

Conventionally, for packages which ship bulk of command line tools with
possible naming conflicts we seems to place them under /usr/lib/PACKAGE
(often regardless them being arch-dep or not)

I am packaging CMTK, where upstream agreed also to deliver a wrapper
script (/usr/bin/cmtk) so there would be a single point of entry to run
any needed command (in similar fashion to git), but also he made all
cmdline tools become available from ... /usr/bin/CMTK

I have checked FHS which only says:
"The following directories, or symbolic links to directories, must be in /usr/bin..."

so it seems to be ok to have subdirectories under /usr/bin (for /bin
there is strict "must not"), and I failed to find something in
debian policy forbidding or allowing taht.  So would it be ok?

I kinda like that setup because then user doesn't need to
search anywhere under /usr/lib for a script I need from CMTK -- it
becomes available where I would expect it to find -- under

Keep in touch                                     www.onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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