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checking if .deb's match Packages

>>>>> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> writes:


 > The Debian mirror in mirrors.kernel.org, on the other hand...  While
 > the apt signature will protect users downloading packages through the
 > package manager, users that get binary packages directly are not
 > protected.

	FWIW, personally, I download both the binary packages /and/ the
	signed lists.


 > Do we have a automated way to signature-check every binary and source
 > package in a repository against the hashes in the signed release
 > files?

	sha1sum(1) and sha256sum(1) will do.  As for the input format
	conversion, the following GNU Awk bit may help:

--cut: packages2sha256.awk --
! /./ {
    if (fn != "" && sha256 != "") {
        print sha256, "*" fn;
    fn = ""; sha256 = "";
/^Filename: /   { fn = $2; next; }
/^SHA256: / { sha256 = $2; next; }
--cut: packages2sha256.awk --

	It may also be combined with grep-dctrl(1) to check a subset of
	packages, like:

$ find dists/wheezy/ \
      -type f -name Packages.bz2 -exec bzcat -- {} + \
      | grep-dctrl -s Filename,SHA256 \
            -F Priority --regex --pattern=required\\\|important \
      | gawk packages2sha256.awk \
      | sha256sum -c 

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