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Re: Integrating Emdebian Grip into Debian

]] Neil Williams 

| The discussions have resulted in quite a few points which I've now put
| on the wiki:
| http://wiki.debian.org/EmdebianIntegration
| Please refer to the wiki before raising possible technical problems.

It seems like nobody from DSA or the security team has been involved in
this process so far?

also, the point:

  «Documentation will be required for maintainers who may not currently
   know that their package has already been released as part of Emdebian
   Grip 1.0 (Lenny) and Emdebian Grip 2.0 (Squeeze). This documentation
   will need to cover the changes made within the package and how to
   deal with bug reports which refer to the Emdebian Grip version.»

I don't really think it's reasonable to suddenly increase the workload
of maintainers massively by making tracking bugs in emdebian their

Tollef Fog Heen
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