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Re: [pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#626641: Bug#626641: Bug#626641: cryptsetup: bug #587220 re-introduced

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 13:55 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> yes, and this is the way it's supposed to be:
phew.... ;-) Just let me point this out again,..
"Debian's init-script handling is broken" (had to say it ;-) )

> - if the cryptsetup package is removed but not purged, the initscript
>   will exit with $? = 0 in any case, as neither the cryptsetup binary,
>   nor the functions file at /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks.functions is
>   available on the system.

> > Wouldn't be to bad, if stopping is just tried for any open device e.g. on
> > shutdown, would it?
> no, that's a very bad idea. actually, cryptsetup is *one* tool to manage
> dm-crypt devices, it's not *the*only*one*. and it's a very very bad idea
> to interfere in the dm-crypt management of other tools.
Uhm.. well yes... I mean although this is a good point,... doesn't this
already happen anyway?
I mean udev/udisks and all that stuff... don't care about /etc/crypttab
in ignore these deivces as they consider it cryptsetup managed.

Also,... I spoke about "just before reboot/shutdown".... if one makes
the initscript correctly,.. udev/udisks/friends are already stopped at
that point, and the kernel is going to be stopped/rebooted anyway very
soon after.

Last but not least.... what should happen (ok I might be wrong here
but:) if the device is still used, closing fails, if not, it's not used
anymore anyway.

But probably this isn't a problem anyway,.. and the kernel or better
said the block devices keeps track of correctly stopping all this



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