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Re: Bits from the Release Team - Kicking off Wheezy

Am 31.03.2011 14:35, schrieb Yves-Alexis Perez:
> On jeu., 2011-03-31 at 14:30 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Xfce 4.8 (for the most part) doesn't rely on hal anymore, at least on Linux.
>> Yves-Alexis, what is the fallback on kfreebsd? Does Xfce 4.8 on kfreebsd still
>> require hal or will it just have reduced functionality?
> On BSD it's reduced functionality (see
> http://gezeiten.org/post/2011/01/Xfce-4.8-on-BSD-flavors ).
> For volume management, thunar-volman won't be available on kFreeBSD so
> no automount stuff. xfburn will just drop dep without too much issue.
> For power-management, I'm not sure how xfpm will behaves without upower
> at all, I'll have to investigate, but anyway newer xfpm doesn't use hal
> at all.

upower is available on all architectures, so xfpm should work fine.

> Once the complete Xfce 4.8 stack is uploaded we'll have a more complete
> picture of the whole situation.

Thanks for keeping us updated.


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