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bug in ppp - grave

Dear developers,

it seems, reportbug is not working at the moment on my system (will fix it in 
the next days), so I allow me to write the bugreport here. Maybe you can help 

I have a problem with ppp and cannot find out, if it is a real bug or a 
misconfiguration. Please let me describe. 

I want to connect a 3g-connection with a inbuild modem (Huawei 160). This 
connectioin is just using ppp like any other modems. Everything was running 
fine after my last upgrade. I am running Debian/testing and I graded up from 
version ppp-2.4.4rel-10.1 (which is running fine!) to version ppp-2.4.5-4 
(which is NOT working).

Except for the newer version I did not change anything else, and it seems, 
also ppp-scripts did not change (except for a script "gprs", which was added).

However, something MUST have changed, as it does not work any more with the 
last version. Please remark, that also other frontends like network-manager-
kde or others do not work with this version.

I am not much experienced with ppp, so I think, there might be two 
a) Some configuration has to be changed by myself 
b) it is really a bug.

At the moment I reverted to ppp-2.4.4rel-10.1, which is running fine.

Please take a look at the logfiles I sent to you below. The one called "ppp-
ok.txt" is the one created by ppp-2.4.4rel-10.1, the other one called "ppp-
non-ok.txt" was created with version  ppp-2.4.5-4.

It would be ok for me to stay at the older version, but sadly other packages I 
also would like to use, are dependent to this not-working version ppp-2.4.5-4 
(these are most packages related to ppp)

I will be pleased, if you could help me, (and maybe other people with the same 
problem, too).

Best regards

Hans-J. Ullrich

umtsmon version 0.9 .
##P1 t=018: setVerbosity: '5'
##P2 t=018: set verbosity level to 5
##P2 t=018: set PPP verbosity level to 2
installing text SIGABRT handler
##P5 t=018: loadTranslator('qt', '(null)')
##P5 t=018: Translation filename: 'qt_'
##P5 t=018:  ... NOT FOUND
##P5 t=018: loadTranslator('qt', 'de_DE.UTF-8')
##P5 t=018: Translation filename: 'qt_de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=018:  ... NOT FOUND
##P5 t=018: loadTranslator('umtsmon', 'de_DE.UTF-8')
##P5 t=018: Translation filename: 'umtsmon_de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=018:  .. found in system translations
##P2 t=018: Installing Translator files for locale 'de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=018: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::TheDeviceManagerSingleton()
##P5 t=018: Runner::findBinaries()
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(pccardctl)
##P5 t=018:   * found /sbin/pccardctl
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(pppd)
##P5 t=018:   * found /usr/sbin/pppd
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(chat)
##P5 t=018:   * found /usr/sbin/chat
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(kdesu)
##P5 t=018:   *** searching kdesu really failed :-(
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(gnomesu)
##P5 t=018:   *** searching gnomesu really failed :-(
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(gksu)
##P5 t=018:   * found /usr/bin/gksu
##P5 t=018: lookThroughPath(usb_modeswitch)
##P5 t=018:   * found /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch
##P5 t=018: Runner::findBinaries() completed successfully
##P3 t=018: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::setupDevice(void)
##P3 t=018: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::readFromConfigFile()
##P5 t=018: TheSettingsSingleton::TheSettingsSingleton()
##P2 t=018: Settings will be saved in : '/root/.umtsmon'
##P4 t=018: read PPP port from config: '/dev/ttyUSB0'.
##P4 t=018: read AT port from config: '/dev/ttyUSB3'.
##P4 t=018: read device type from config: 0x600A1000
##P3 t=018: Complete config read from file - good :-)
##P3 t=018: Start iterating through all AutoDetectors

##P4 t=018: Kernel: 'Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-26) (dannf@debian.org) (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Tue Oct 19 14:40:34 UTC 2010'
##P3 t=018: AutoDetectBase::go() for 'Device creation from supplied parameters'
##P3 t=018:  AutoDetectBase::createDevice() for Device 600a1000
##P3 t=018: Device creation for type 0x600a1000 requested
##P2 t=018: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=018:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P2 t=018: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=018:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P3 t=018: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB0' for AT commands
##P3 t=018: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=018: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0xbfcfcdd0)
##P3 t=018: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=018: Query instance 0xbfcfcdb8 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=018: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=018: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT'
##P5 t=018: receiveString: 'AT\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=018: answer 1:'AT'
##P4 t=018: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=018: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=018: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P3 t=018: Got Query::OK from port
##P5 t=018: Query instance 0xbfcfcdb8 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=018: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB0' successful
##P3 t=018: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=018: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 7
##P5 t=018: 0xbfcfcdd0 = Query::setSerial((nil))
##P3 t=018: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB3' for AT commands
##P3 t=018: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=018: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0xbfcfcdd0)
##P3 t=018: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB3' failed
##P3 t=018: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=018: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD -1
##P5 t=018: 0xbfcfcdd0 = Query::setSerial((nil))
##P3 t=018: set AT  serial to '/dev/ttyUSB0'
##P3 t=018: set PPP serial to '/dev/ttyUSB0'
##P3 t=018: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=018: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0x9804690)
##P2 t=018: GOOD: 'Device created successfully'
##P2 t=018: Using existing hardware config, not written to disk
##P3 t=018: Everything done - device created

##P3 t=018: HelperList::testAndRun(void)
##P3 t=018: HelperList::createHelperList()
##P5 t=018: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=018: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=018: Runner::runCommand(3, list, 0)
##P5 t=018: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=018: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P3 t=018: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=6625
##P5 t=018: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=019: child read pipe loop end, flags: 6
##P5 t=019: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P5 t=019: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=019: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=019: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=019: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=019: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=019: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P3 t=019: HelperList::needsFixing
##P1 t=019: umtsmon is running as root!!!
##P4 t=019: SIMHandler::askForPIN() has been called
##P5 t=019: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired
##P5 t=019: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  10 has passed
##P5 t=020: Query instance 0xbfcfcce0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=020: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=020: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN?'
##P5 t=020: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN?\xd\xd\xa+CPIN: SIM PIN\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=020: answer 1:'AT+CPIN?'
##P4 t=020: answer 2:'+CPIN: SIM PIN'
##P4 t=020: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=020: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=020: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=020: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=020: Query instance 0xbfcfcce0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=020: is Pin required: Warte auf PIN-Code f� SIM-Karte.
##P5 t=020: We need a PIN!
##P5 t=021: Validate PIN
##P5 t=025: validate
##P5 t=025: Query instance 0xbfcfccf0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=025: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=025: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN="3521"'
##P5 t=025: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN="3521"\xd'
##P4 t=025: answer 1:'AT+CPIN="3521"'
##P5 t=025: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=025: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  12 has passed
##P5 t=026: receiveString: '\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=026: answer 1:'OK'
##P5 t=026: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=026: Query instance 0xbfcfccf0 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=026: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired
##P5 t=026: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  10 has passed
##P5 t=027: Query instance 0xbfcfcce0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=027: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=027: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN?'
##P5 t=027: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN?\xd\xd\xa+CPIN: READY\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=027: answer 1:'AT+CPIN?'
##P4 t=027: answer 2:'+CPIN: READY'
##P4 t=027: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=027: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=027: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=027: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=027: Query instance 0xbfcfcce0 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=027: ObserverManager constructor
##P3 t=027: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 0 to 3
##P2 t=027: Someone else's PPPD was killed
##P3 t=027: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 3 to 0
##P5 t=027: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=027: Runner::runCommand(1, list, 0)
##P3 t=027: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=6625
##P5 t=027: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=027: child read pipe loop end, flags: 4
##P5 t=027: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P4 t=027: pppd version string 'pppd version 2.4.4' results in '2.4.4'.
##P4 t=027: SIMHandler::isPINProtectionEnabled
##P5 t=027: Query instance 0xbfcfcbe0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=027: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=027: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CLCK="SC",2'
##P5 t=027: receiveString: 'AT+CLCK="SC",2\xd'
##P4 t=027: answer 1:'AT+CLCK="SC",2'
##P5 t=027: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=027: Query::runUntilDone needs more time...
##P5 t=027: receiveString: '\xd\xa+CLCK: 1\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=027: answer 1:'+CLCK: 1'
##P4 t=027: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=027: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=027: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=027: Query instance 0xbfcfcbe0 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=027:  PIN protection on SIM is enabled 
##P5 t=027: setNetworkAutoUpdate slot
##P5 t=027: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=027: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=027: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=027: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=027: Query instance 0xbfcfcae0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=027: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=027: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=028: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 11,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=028: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=028: answer 2:'+CSQ: 11,99'
##P4 t=028: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=028: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=028: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=028: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcae0 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=028: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=028: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=028: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=028: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcae0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=028: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=028: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=028: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 11,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=028: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=028: answer 2:'+CSQ: 11,99'
##P4 t=028: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=028: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=028: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=028: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcae0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcad8 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=028: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=028: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=028: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=028: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=028: answer 2:'+COPS: 0'
##P4 t=028: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=028: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=028: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=028: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcad8 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=028: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=028: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=028: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=028: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcb10 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=028: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=028: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=028: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 11,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=028: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=028: answer 2:'+CSQ: 11,99'
##P4 t=028: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=028: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=028: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=028: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcb10 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcb08 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=028: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=028: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=028: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=028: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=028: answer 2:'+COPS: 0'
##P4 t=028: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=028: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=028: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=028: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=028: Query instance 0xbfcfcb08 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=028: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=028: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=028: ObserverManager::attach(0x986e570)
##P2 t=028: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=028: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=031: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=031: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=031: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=031: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=031: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=031: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=031: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=031: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=031: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=031: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=031: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=031: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=031: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=031: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=031: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=031: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=031: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=031: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=031: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=031: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=031: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=031: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=031: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=031: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=031: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=031: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=031: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=031: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=031: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=034: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=034: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=034: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=034: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=034: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=034: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=034: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=034: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=034: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=034: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=034: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=034: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=034: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=034: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=034: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=034: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=034: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=034: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=034: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=034: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=034: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=034: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=034: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=034: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=034: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=034: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=034: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=034: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=034: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P3 t=035: umtsmonmain::ConnectPPP
##P5 t=035: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=035: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc5a0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=035: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=035: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=035: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=035: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=035: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=035: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=035: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=035: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=035: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc5a0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=035: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc598 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=035: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=035: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=035: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=035: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=035: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=035: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=035: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=035: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=035: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc598 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=035: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=035: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=035: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=035:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P3 t=035: PPPConnection::startPPP entry
##P5 t=035: The PPPDState is 0
##P3 t=035: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 0 to 1
##P2 t=035: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 1
##P3 t=035: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P4 t=035: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 1
##P3 t=035: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=035: 0x9804690 = Query::setSerial(0xbfcfc614)
##P3 t=035: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 8
##P3 t=035: PPPConnection::chat() start
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=035: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=035: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT&F'
##P5 t=035: receiveString: 'AT&F\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=035: answer 1:'AT&F'
##P4 t=035: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=035: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=035: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=035: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=035: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATE1'
##P5 t=035: receiveString: 'ATE1\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=035: answer 1:'ATE1'
##P4 t=035: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=035: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=035: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=035: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=035: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=035: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"'
##P5 t=036: receiveString: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=036: answer 1:'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"'
##P4 t=036: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=036: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=036: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=036: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 abandoned MUTEX
##P1 t=036: Dial String is: ATD*99# 
##P5 t=036: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=036: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=036: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATD*99#'
##P5 t=036: receiveString: 'ATD*99#\xd\xd\xaCONNECT\xd\xa'
##P4 t=036: answer 1:'ATD*99#'
##P4 t=036: answer 2:'CONNECT'
##P5 t=036: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=036: Query instance 0xbfcfc578 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=036: PPPConnection::chat() end
##P4 t=036: Assembled PPP string is: 'idle 7200 noauth asyncmap 0 updetach dump debug debug debug 460800 lock crtscts modem /dev/ttyUSB0 noipx defaultroute replacedefaultroute usepeerdns user o2 password o2 '
##P4 t=036: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 2
##P2 t=036: PPPConnection::PPPThread::PPPThread()
##P2 t=036: PPPThread::run, before runCommand
##P5 t=036: Runner::runCommand(1, list, 0)
##P3 t=036: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=6625
##P5 t=036: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=037: child read pipe loop end, flags: 4
##P5 t=037: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P2 t=037: PPPThread::run, after runCommand
##P3 t=038: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=038: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 8
##P5 t=038: 0xbfcfc614 = Query::setSerial(0x9804690)
##P2 t=038: thePPPConnection.startPPP() returned without indicating problems
##P2 t=038: isDone is true
##P3 t=038: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 1 to 2
##P2 t=038: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 2
##P3 t=038: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P3 t=038: thread end - wait and cleanup
##P2 t=038: ~PPPThread()
##P4 t=038: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 1
##P5 t=038: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=038: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=038: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=038: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=038: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=038: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=038: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=038: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P2 t=038: PPP State changed to present
##P3 t=038: MonthlyTraffic::start(anIsRoaming=0)
##P2 t=038: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=038:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P5 t=038: MonthlyTraffic::update(3997, 62)
##P5 t=038: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=038: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=038: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=038: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=038: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=038: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=038: MonthlyTraffic::update(4101, 62)
##P5 t=040: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=040: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=040: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=040: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=040: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=040: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=040: MonthlyTraffic::update(6223, 62)
##P5 t=043: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=043: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=043: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=043: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=043: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=043: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=043: MonthlyTraffic::update(8967, 62)
##P5 t=046: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=046: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=046: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=046: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=046: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=046: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=046: MonthlyTraffic::update(11695, 62)
##P4 t=046: umtsmonmain::DisconnectPPP
##P5 t=046: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called
##P3 t=046: Killing PPPD - process 6663
##P5 t=046: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P2 t=046: Our PPPD was killed by someone
##P3 t=046: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 2 to 0
##P2 t=046: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=046: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=046: The PPPDState is 0
##P4 t=046: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 2
##P3 t=046: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 7
##P3 t=048: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=048: 0x9804690 = Query::setSerial(0x9804690)
##P4 t=048: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 1
##P4 t=048: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 0
##P5 t=048: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=048: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=048: Query instance 0xbfcfc600 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=048: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=048: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=048: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=048: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=048: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=048: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=048: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=048: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=048: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=048: Query instance 0xbfcfc600 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=048: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P2 t=048: PPP State changed to gone
##P5 t=048: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=048: MonthlyTraffic::update detected non-monotonous traffic statistics. Some traffic bytes not accounted for!
##P3 t=048: previous Sent/Received numbers were: 11695, 62
##P3 t=048: MonthlyTraffic::save()
##P5 t=048: MonthlyTraffic::save: totals for 2010/10 are: home=28793261B/14665s, roaming=0B/0s
##P5 t=049: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=049: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=049: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=049: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=049: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=049: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=049: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=049: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=049: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=049: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=049: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=049: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=049: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=049: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=049: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=049: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=049: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=049: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=049: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=049: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=049: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=049: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=049: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=049: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=049: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=049: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=049: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=049: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=049: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=052: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=052: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=052: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=052: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=052: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=052: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=052: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=052: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=052: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=052: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=052: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=052: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=052: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=052: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=052: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=052: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=052: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=052: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=052: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=052: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=052: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=052: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=052: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=052: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=052: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=052: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=052: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=052: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=052: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=055: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=055: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=055: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=055: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=055: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=055: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=055: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=055: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=055: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=055: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=055: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=055: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=055: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=055: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=055: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=055: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=055: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=055: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=055: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=055: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=055: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=055: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=055: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=055: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=055: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=055: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=055: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=055: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=055: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=058: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=058: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=058: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=058: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=058: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=058: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=058: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=058: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 8,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=058: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=058: answer 2:'+CSQ: 8,99'
##P4 t=058: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=058: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=058: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=058: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=058: Query instance 0xbfcfc960 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=058: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=058: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=058: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=058: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=058: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=058: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=058: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=058: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=058: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=058: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=058: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=058: Query instance 0xbfcfc958 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=058: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=058: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P4 t=058: PPPConnection::~PPPConnection(void)
##P5 t=058: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called
##P3 t=058: ObserverManager destructor
##P5 t=058: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called
##P5 t=058: DESTRUCTOR TheSettingsSingleton::~TheSettingsSingleton()
umtsmon version 0.9 .
##P1 t=095: setVerbosity: '5'
##P2 t=095: set verbosity level to 5
##P2 t=095: set PPP verbosity level to 2
installing text SIGABRT handler
##P5 t=095: loadTranslator('qt', '(null)')
##P5 t=095: Translation filename: 'qt_'
##P5 t=095:  ... NOT FOUND
##P5 t=095: loadTranslator('qt', 'de_DE.UTF-8')
##P5 t=095: Translation filename: 'qt_de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=095:  ... NOT FOUND
##P5 t=095: loadTranslator('umtsmon', 'de_DE.UTF-8')
##P5 t=095: Translation filename: 'umtsmon_de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=095:  .. found in system translations
##P2 t=095: Installing Translator files for locale 'de_DE.UTF-8'
##P5 t=095: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::TheDeviceManagerSingleton()
##P5 t=095: Runner::findBinaries()
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(pccardctl)
##P5 t=095:   * found /sbin/pccardctl
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(pppd)
##P5 t=095:   * found /usr/sbin/pppd
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(chat)
##P5 t=095:   * found /usr/sbin/chat
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(kdesu)
##P5 t=095:   *** searching kdesu really failed :-(
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(gnomesu)
##P5 t=095:   *** searching gnomesu really failed :-(
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(gksu)
##P5 t=095:   * found /usr/bin/gksu
##P5 t=095: lookThroughPath(usb_modeswitch)
##P5 t=095:   * found /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch
##P5 t=095: Runner::findBinaries() completed successfully
##P3 t=095: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::setupDevice(void)
##P3 t=095: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::readFromConfigFile()
##P5 t=095: TheSettingsSingleton::TheSettingsSingleton()
##P2 t=095: Settings will be saved in : '/root/.umtsmon'
##P4 t=095: read PPP port from config: '/dev/ttyUSB0'.
##P4 t=095: read AT port from config: '/dev/ttyUSB3'.
##P4 t=095: read device type from config: 0x600A1000
##P3 t=095: Complete config read from file - good :-)
##P3 t=095: Start iterating through all AutoDetectors

##P4 t=095: Kernel: 'Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-26) (dannf@debian.org) (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Tue Oct 19 14:40:34 UTC 2010'
##P3 t=095: AutoDetectBase::go() for 'Device creation from supplied parameters'
##P3 t=095:  AutoDetectBase::createDevice() for Device 600a1000
##P3 t=095: Device creation for type 0x600a1000 requested
##P2 t=095: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=095:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P2 t=095: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=095:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P3 t=095: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB0' for AT commands
##P3 t=095: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=095: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0xbfcec9e0)
##P3 t=095: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=095: Query instance 0xbfcec9c8 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=095: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=095: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT'
##P5 t=095: receiveString: 'AT\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=095: answer 1:'AT'
##P4 t=095: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=095: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=095: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P3 t=095: Got Query::OK from port
##P5 t=095: Query instance 0xbfcec9c8 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=095: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB0' successful
##P3 t=095: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=095: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 7
##P5 t=095: 0xbfcec9e0 = Query::setSerial((nil))
##P3 t=095: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB3' for AT commands
##P3 t=095: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=095: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0xbfcec9e0)
##P3 t=095: Device: probing port '/dev/ttyUSB3' failed
##P3 t=095: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=095: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD -1
##P5 t=095: 0xbfcec9e0 = Query::setSerial((nil))
##P3 t=095: set AT  serial to '/dev/ttyUSB0'
##P3 t=095: set PPP serial to '/dev/ttyUSB0'
##P3 t=096: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=096: (nil) = Query::setSerial(0x8602658)
##P2 t=096: GOOD: 'Device created successfully'
##P2 t=096: Using existing hardware config, not written to disk
##P3 t=096: Everything done - device created

##P3 t=096: HelperList::testAndRun(void)
##P3 t=096: HelperList::createHelperList()
##P5 t=096: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=096: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=096: Runner::runCommand(3, list, 0)
##P5 t=096: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=096: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P3 t=096: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=5935
##P5 t=096: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=096: child read pipe loop end, flags: 4
##P5 t=096: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P5 t=096: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=096: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=096: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=096: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P5 t=096: Runner::isSUID()
##P2 t=096: isSUID: i am root => SUID checks skipped
##P3 t=096: HelperList::needsFixing
##P1 t=096: umtsmon is running as root!!!
##P4 t=096: SIMHandler::askForPIN() has been called
##P5 t=096: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired
##P5 t=096: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  10 has passed
##P5 t=097: Query instance 0xbfcec8f0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=097: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=097: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN?'
##P5 t=097: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN?\xd\xd\xa+CPIN: SIM PIN\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=097: answer 1:'AT+CPIN?'
##P4 t=097: answer 2:'+CPIN: SIM PIN'
##P4 t=097: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=097: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=097: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=097: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=097: Query instance 0xbfcec8f0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=097: is Pin required: Warte auf PIN-Code f� SIM-Karte.
##P5 t=097: We need a PIN!
##P5 t=098: Validate PIN
##P5 t=102: validate
##P5 t=102: Query instance 0xbfcec900 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=102: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=102: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN="3521"'
##P5 t=102: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN="3521"\xd'
##P4 t=102: answer 1:'AT+CPIN="3521"'
##P5 t=102: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=102: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  12 has passed
##P5 t=103: receiveString: '\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=103: answer 1:'OK'
##P5 t=103: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=103: Query instance 0xbfcec900 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=103: SIMHandler::isPinCodeRequired
##P5 t=103: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  10 has passed
##P5 t=104: Query instance 0xbfcec8f0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=104: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=104: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CPIN?'
##P5 t=104: receiveString: 'AT+CPIN?\xd\xd\xa+CPIN: READY\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=104: answer 1:'AT+CPIN?'
##P4 t=104: answer 2:'+CPIN: READY'
##P4 t=104: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=104: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=104: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=104: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=104: Query instance 0xbfcec8f0 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=104: ObserverManager constructor
##P3 t=104: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 0 to 3
##P2 t=104: Someone else's PPPD was killed
##P3 t=104: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 3 to 0
##P5 t=104: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=104: Runner::runCommand(1, list, 0)
##P3 t=104: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=5935
##P5 t=104: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P5 t=104: child read pipe loop end, flags: 4
##P5 t=104: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P4 t=104: pppd version string 'pppd version 2.4.5' results in '2.4.5'.
##P4 t=104: SIMHandler::isPINProtectionEnabled
##P5 t=104: Query instance 0xbfcec7f0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=104: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=104: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CLCK="SC",2'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+CLCK="SC",2\xd'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+CLCK="SC",2'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: Query::runUntilDone needs more time...
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '\xd\xa+CLCK: 1\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'+CLCK: 1'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec7f0 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=105:  PIN protection on SIM is enabled 
##P5 t=105: setNetworkAutoUpdate slot
##P5 t=105: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=105: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=105: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6f0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=105: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 13,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'+CSQ: 13,99'
##P4 t=105: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6f0 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=105: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=105: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=105: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=105: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6f0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=105: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 13,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'+CSQ: 13,99'
##P4 t=105: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6f0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6e8 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=105: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'+COPS: 0'
##P4 t=105: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec6e8 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=105: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=105: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=105: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=105: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec720 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=105: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 13,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'+CSQ: 13,99'
##P4 t=105: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec720 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec718 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=105: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=105: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=105: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=105: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=105: answer 2:'+COPS: 0'
##P4 t=105: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=105: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=105: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=105: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=105: Query instance 0xbfcec718 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=105: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=105: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=105: ObserverManager::attach(0x866bea0)
##P2 t=105: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=105: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=108: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=108: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=108: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=108: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=108: Query instance 0xbfcec570 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=108: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=108: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=108: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 9,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=108: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=108: answer 2:'+CSQ: 9,99'
##P4 t=108: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=108: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=108: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=108: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=108: Query instance 0xbfcec570 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=108: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=108: Query instance 0xbfcec568 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=108: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=108: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=108: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=108: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=108: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=108: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=108: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=108: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=108: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=108: Query instance 0xbfcec568 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=108: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=108: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=111: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=111: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=111: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=111: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=111: Query instance 0xbfcec570 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=111: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=111: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=111: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 9,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=111: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=111: answer 2:'+CSQ: 9,99'
##P4 t=111: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=111: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=111: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=111: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=111: Query instance 0xbfcec570 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=111: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=111: Query instance 0xbfcec568 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=111: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=111: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=111: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=111: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=111: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=111: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=111: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=111: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=111: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=111: Query instance 0xbfcec568 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=111: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=111: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P3 t=112: umtsmonmain::ConnectPPP
##P5 t=112: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=112: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=112: Query instance 0xbfcec1b0 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=112: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=112: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P5 t=112: receiveString: 'AT+CSQ\xd\xd\xa+CSQ: 9,99\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=112: answer 1:'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=112: answer 2:'+CSQ: 9,99'
##P4 t=112: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=112: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=112: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=112: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=112: Query instance 0xbfcec1b0 abandoned MUTEX
##P4 t=112: ConnectionInfo::refreshOperator(void)
##P5 t=112: Query instance 0xbfcec1a8 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=112: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=112: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+COPS?'
##P5 t=113: receiveString: 'AT+COPS?\xd\xd\xa+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2\xd\xa\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=113: answer 1:'AT+COPS?'
##P4 t=113: answer 2:'+COPS: 0,2,"26207",2'
##P4 t=113: answer 3:'OK'
##P5 t=113: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=113: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=113: Query::getAnswer returns 1 answer(s)
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec1a8 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=113: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=113: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=113: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=113:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P3 t=113: PPPConnection::startPPP entry
##P5 t=113: The PPPDState is 0
##P3 t=113: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 0 to 1
##P2 t=113: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 1
##P3 t=113: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P4 t=113: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 1
##P3 t=113: TempSerialPort::TempSerialPort()
##P5 t=113: 0x8602658 = Query::setSerial(0xbfcec224)
##P3 t=113: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 8
##P3 t=113: PPPConnection::chat() start
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=113: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=113: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT&F'
##P5 t=113: receiveString: 'AT&F\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=113: answer 1:'AT&F'
##P4 t=113: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=113: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=113: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=113: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=113: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATE1'
##P5 t=113: receiveString: 'ATE1\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=113: answer 1:'ATE1'
##P4 t=113: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=113: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=113: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 abandoned MUTEX
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=113: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=113: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"'
##P5 t=113: receiveString: 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"\xd\xd\xaOK\xd\xa'
##P4 t=113: answer 1:'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","pinternet.interkom.de"'
##P4 t=113: answer 2:'OK'
##P5 t=113: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=113: because known statement #0 was detected, removing obvious answer 'OK'
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 abandoned MUTEX
##P1 t=113: Dial String is: ATD*99# 
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=113: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=113: Query sends the following mesage: 'ATD*99#'
##P5 t=113: receiveString: 'ATD*99#\xd\xd\xaCONNECT\xd\xa'
##P4 t=113: answer 1:'ATD*99#'
##P4 t=113: answer 2:'CONNECT'
##P5 t=113: checkQuery: removing echo up front
##P5 t=113: Query instance 0xbfcec188 abandoned MUTEX
##P3 t=113: PPPConnection::chat() end
##P4 t=113: Assembled PPP string is: 'idle 7200 noauth asyncmap 0 updetach dump debug debug debug 460800 lock crtscts modem /dev/ttyUSB0 noipx defaultroute replacedefaultroute usepeerdns user o2 password o2 '
##P4 t=113: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 2
##P2 t=113: PPPConnection::PPPThread::PPPThread()
##P2 t=113: PPPThread::run, before runCommand
##P5 t=113: Runner::runCommand(1, list, 0)
##P3 t=113: INSIDE PARENT, uid=0, pid=5935
##P5 t=113: Parent with pipes to not detached child
##P3 t=114: TempSerialPort::~TempSerialPort()
##P3 t=114: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 8
##P5 t=114: 0xbfcec224 = Query::setSerial(0x8602658)
##P2 t=114: thePPPConnection.startPPP() returned without indicating problems
##P3 t=114: PPPDThread still running
##P5 t=114: The PPPDState is 1
##P5 t=114: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P3 t=115: PPPDThread still running
##P5 t=115: The PPPDState is 1
##P5 t=115: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=115: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=115: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=115: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=115: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P2 t=115: PPP State changed to present
##P3 t=115: MonthlyTraffic::start(anIsRoaming=0)
##P2 t=115: Profile::Profile('')
##P2 t=115:   finally created profile for 'o2'
##P5 t=115: MonthlyTraffic::update(43, 0)
##P5 t=115: ProgressDialog::runOneSecond of   1,  30 has passed
##P5 t=116: child read pipe loop end, flags: 0
##P5 t=116: child read pipe loop end, flags: 7
##P2 t=116: PPPThread::run, after runCommand
##P2 t=116: isDone is true
##P3 t=116: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 1 to 2
##P2 t=116: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 2
##P3 t=116: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P3 t=116: thread end - wait and cleanup
##P2 t=116: ~PPPThread()
##P4 t=116: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 1
##P5 t=116: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=116: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=116: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=116: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=116: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=116: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=116: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P2 t=116: PPP State changed to gone
##P5 t=116: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P2 t=116: MonthlyTraffic::update detected non-monotonous traffic statistics. Some traffic bytes not accounted for!
##P3 t=116: previous Sent/Received numbers were: 43, 0
##P3 t=116: MonthlyTraffic::save()
##P5 t=116: MonthlyTraffic::save: totals for 2010/10 are: home=28793662B/14670s, roaming=0B/0s
##P5 t=117: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=117: The PPPDState is 2
##P5 t=117: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=117: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P3 t=117: ConnectionInfo probe inhibited
##P3 t=117: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=117: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)
##P5 t=120: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P2 t=120: Our PPPD was killed by someone
##P3 t=120: PPPConnection::setNewPPPState state 2 to 0
##P2 t=120: MainWindowObserver::newPPPState 0
##P3 t=120: mainwindow::newPPPState()
##P5 t=120: The PPPDState is 0
##P4 t=120: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount ++, now is 2
##P3 t=120: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 7
##P3 t=121: Opened '/dev/ttyUSB0' as FD 7
##P5 t=121: 0x8602658 = Query::setSerial(0x8602658)
##P4 t=121: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 1
##P4 t=121: ConnectionInfo:InhibitionCount --, now is 0
##P5 t=121: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=121: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=121: Query instance 0xbfcec570 acquired MUTEX
##P5 t=121: receiveString: '(null)'
##P4 t=121: Query sends the following mesage: 'AT+CSQ'
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 1 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 2 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 3 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 4 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 5 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 6 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 7 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 8 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 9 time, myResult = -1
##P4 t=121: write '
' failed for the 10 time, myResult = -1
##P3 t=121: SerialPort::closeDev() for FD 7
##P1 t=121: *** CRITICAL ERROR: Kann nicht (mehr) auf das Ger�schreiben
##P5 t=123: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()
##P5 t=123: The PPPDState is 0
##P5 t=123: ConnectionInfo_ACM::refreshRegistration(void)
##P4 t=123: ConnectionInfo::refreshSignalQuality(void)
##P5 t=123: Query instance 0xbfcebe10 trylock FAILED
##P3 t=123: Query.run() failed
##P3 t=123: ConnectionInfo::refreshPPPStats
##P5 t=123: MonthlyTraffic::update(0, 0)

  *** umtsmon version 0.9 closed due to an unrecoverable program error.
  *** Please e-mail all of the above output to umtsmon-develop@lists.sourceforge.net,
  *** Or go to the umtsmon website and file a bug.

##P1 t=125: Critical Popup - application will halt
##P5 t=125: PPPConnection run_at_exit() called
##P5 t=125: DESTRUCTOR TheSettingsSingleton::~TheSettingsSingleton()

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