Re: How many are using oldstable, stable, testing and unstable?
On Saturday 20 November 2010, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Just for fun, I had a look at <URL: > to
> see how the relative distribution of Debian users across
> oldstable, stabe, testing and unstable is spread. Today there are
> 94546 computers registered in popularity-contest, and as the
> number of users of unstable seem to have stabilized, this seemed
> like a good time to measure the relative usage. These are the
> numbers:
> 1.41 (etch) : 10781 11.4%
> 1.46 (lenny/stable) : 57983 61.3%
> 1.48 (testing) : 19776 20.9%
> 1.49 (unstable) : 4056 4.3%
> This do not sum up to 100%, because some machines are not using the
> current versions from these repositories.
Some numbers from a different sample, from Shodan:
164541 for "Apache/2.2.3 (Debian)" (etch)
344165 for "Apache/2.2.9 (Debian)" (lenny)
6541 for "Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)" (squeeze/sid)
But these are unique IP-adresses, not machines.
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