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Re: What’s the use for Standards-Version?

Le Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 02:31:53PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava a écrit :
>         Hmm. As my memory serves me, the statement was:
> Message-Id: <[🔎] 1250148888.23574.10.camel@shizuru>
> >>>> Fine. It's been several years now that managing the standards
> >>>> version has been an unconditional bump for me.
>         Unconditional bump, I parsed, as merely bumping the version,
>  without regards to actual status (since otherwise it would have been
>  conditional on checking and making any relevant changes as required)

I am really, really, really tired to see long threads that start because one
interpretes the words of another on a worst-case basis and gets offended by
his own catastrophe scenario.

It has been repeatedly said that the Policy is changed when most of the
packages already conform to it. I prefer to interpret the above citation
differently: that Josselin is proactively making his packages up to date, and
that when a new Policy is published there is nothing to change in the package.

If you had any doubt, you could have asked him in private, or in public if you
had enough confidence that it would not have added noise with a conversation
like ‘Are you sure you do your work correctly? Yes, I am sure, thank you’.

This would have saved us your digressions about lies and expulsions. Please
consider that this list is high traffic and try to limit your messages in

It may even help you to have a nice day.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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