Re: gnat-4.4 is blocking most big transitions atm
On 2009-11-28, Luk Claes <> wrote:
>>> gnat-4.4 FTBFS on mipsel which is blocking gcc-defaults from migrating
>>> to testing which is blocking at least the poppler and gnome related
>>> transitions. xulrunner was reuploaded again and needs to be built
>>> everywhere first before we can reconsider forcing it in.
>> Only mipsel is lagging (my guess is that the package is built, but only
>> waiting for a buildd admin gpg signature).
> It seems to fail reliably on the buildds with the error reported in the
> RC bug... it's not waiting for a buildd admin and tar seems to work fine
> for other packages.
Well, the buildd rem crashes all the time. That's not xulrunner's fault.
Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
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