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NMU question


I've just met an uninstallable package with 3-week-old RC bug, caused by 
soname change of one of dependences. This bug could be fixed by a simple 
rebuild - I've checked if package builds against today's sid - yes it 

I've never done an NMU before, but this looks like a case to try :)

However, reading developer reference about NMUs, I got confused by normal 
vs binary-only uploads for this case.

Is it ok just to add something like

* Non-Maintainer Upload
* Rebuild against newer libicu (Closes: XXX)

to deban/changelog, build with pbuilder, upload with dput --delayed 2, and 
drop a mail to maintainer?

Or something else should be done?
Triggering binary-only NMUs on every architecture somehow?
Build-depending on newer libicu-dev [I guess no since package perfectly 
builds against older libicu-dev]?
Something else?

Also, is it ok to NMU keeping existing lintian warnings (such as 
out-of-date-standards-version, patch-system-but-no-source-readme)?
I don't intend to (co)maintain this package in future, it is just a 
single-time interest.

Please advice :)


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