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Re: Bits from the FTPMaster meeting

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Philipp Kern <trash@philkern.de> writes:
>> On 2009-11-19, Luk Claes <luk@debian.org> wrote:
>>> This could only work if the built package is needed on the same buildd
>>> it was built.
>> That depends on the assumptions.  If the assumption is that the buildds are
>> trusted (the same as for autosigning) it would also be easy to argue that
>> setting up some kind of collective protected repository for sharing among
>> the buildd would not be totally insane.  But then, just implement autosigning,
>> get rid of that step and reuse autobuilding accepted, or however it's called
>> nowadays.
>> Kind regards,
>> Philipp Kern
> When autosigning came up in the past the argument given against was
> that buildd admins do some quality control on the packages. They
> notice when the buildds goes haywire and screws up builds. With
> autosigning you can easily get 200 totaly broken debs into the archive
> because the buildd had a broken debhelper or something.

With autosigning these 200 could as easily get fixed.



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