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Re: piuparts output format: a proposal

On Fri, Jul 24 2009, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

> * Failed tests may _optionally_ also write dumps of the virtual
>   environment (chroot, eventually maybe kvm images) so things may
>   be debugged.

        This is somewhat off topic, but is there a way to run piuparts
 in a kvm instance? I already run my builds in a minimal virtual
 machine, so it is OK for piuparts to install/remove/purge the package
 in question. It would be nice to be able to tell piuparts not to bother
 creating it's own chroot, but to assume it is running already in the
 minimal test env.

> How does this sound? It is important that those who might use piuparts
> be able to understand the output.

        It would be nice, if, like lintian, one could pass in a -v
 switch to get multi-line explanations/details to aid in understanding
 the output. The added bits may be static.

"Falling in love makes smoking pot all day look like the ultimate in
restraint." Dave Sim, author of Cerebrus.
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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