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RFC round 4: DEP-3: Patch Tagging Guidelines


one more turn for this DEP, after all. Recent changes are not numerous
but there are some.

Current version: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/

=== Changes since last round ===

- Clarified that vendor names are case-insensitive

- Made the categorization in Origin optional. Made the field optional if Author
  field is present. he whole paragraph has been rewritten due to this:

+  * `Origin` (required except if `Author` is present)
+    This field should document the origin of the patch. In most cases, it
+    should be a simple URL. For patches backported/taken from upstream, it
+    should point into the upstream VCS web interface when possible,
+    otherwise it can simply list the relevant commit identifier (it should
+    be prefixed with "commit:" in that case). For other cases, one should
+    simply indicate the URL where the patch was taken from (mailing list
+    archives, distribution bugtrackers, etc.) when possible.
+    The field can be optionaly prefixed with a single keyword followed by
+    a comma and a space to categorize the origin. The allowed keywords are
+    "upstream" (in the case of a patch cherry-picked from the upstream
+    VCS), "backport" (in the case of an upstream patch that had to be
+    modified to apply on the current version), "vendor" for a patch
+    created by Debian or another distribution vendor, or "other" for all
+    other kind of patches.
+    In general, a user-created patch grabbed in a BTS should be
+    categorized as "other". When copying a patch from another vendor, the
     meta-information (and hence this field) should be kept if present, or
     created if necessary with a "vendor" origin.
+    If the `Author` field is present, the `Origin` field can be omitted
+    and it's assumed that the patch comes from its author.

- Recommend to keep description lines shorter than 80 chars

- Allow multiple Author fields.

- Added the rationale for encoding vendor name in Bug-<Vendor>
--- a/web/deps/dep3.mdwn
+++ b/web/deps/dep3.mdwn
@@ -115,6 +115,12 @@ of any other distribution that tracks the same problem/patch.
     bug tracker. Those fields can be used multiple times if several
     bugs are concerned.
+    The vendor name is explicitely encoded in the field name so that
+    vendors can share patches among them without having to update the
+    meta-information in most cases. The upstream bug URL is special
+    cased because it's the central point of cooperation and it must
+    be easily distinguishable among all the bug URLs.
   * `Forwarded` (optional)

=== Remaining concerns/ideas ===

* Charles Plessy wanted to specify more precisely the format instead
of saying "RFC-2822 compliant fields". The discussion went nowhere
and nobody else expressed support for such a change.

* I wonder if I shall add some samples to the document to make it clearer
in everybody's mind. What do you think? If you think it's a good idea,
feel free to provide some interesting (real-life) sample.

Raphaël Hertzog

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