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Re: ping for gtk+extra2 removal - implications for libgtkada2 and gpsim

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:19:45 +0100
Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> wrote:

> gtk+extra2 will FTBFS as soon as the functions that will be removed in
> GTK+3.0 become deprecated in GTK+2.0. GTK+2.0 doesn't have to be
> removed from Debian for gtk+extra2 to break. Yes, that isn't how
> things *should* work and it isn't how other packages *do* work but
> gtkextra has been dead upstream for such a long time that bitrot has
> all but ensured that this will be the result.

Let me clarify that a bit.

As soon as you take Josselin's advice for preparing the rest of gtkada
for GTK3.0, you'll discover that nothing in gtkextra has been prepared
for what is *currently* deprecated in GTK+2.0. Fixing that will mean
completing the migration of gtk-extra2 through to current GTK+2.0 as
well as implementing the transition in gtkada. This is why I cannot
implement Josselin's advice in quicklist - it shows up the breakage in

Personally, I just don't think it is worth the work.


Neil Williams

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