Bug#528059: ITP: area2048 -- omnidirectional shooting game
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Miriam Ruiz <little_miry@yahoo.es>
* Package name : area2048
Version : 1.03
Upstream Author : Jumpei Isshiki <ads00721@nifty.com>
* URL : http://homepage2.nifty.com/isshiki/prog_win_d.html
* License : BSD
Programming Lang: D
Description : omnidirectional shooting game
Area 2048 is an excellent retro-type shooter, in which the player has to
clear each room packed with enemies before being allowed to proceed to the
next. Every few maps you get a boss enemy.
While the game is a very entertaining shooter, in true innovative Japanese
freeware style, the really remarkable feature of the game is the very intuitive
interface and user controls.
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