Bug#523067: ITP: libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl -- Perl module for HTML popup tree widget
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Taku YASUI <tach@debian.or.jp>
* Package name : libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl
Version : 1.6
Upstream Author : Sam Tregar <sam@tregar.com>
* URL : http://search.cpan.org/~samtregar/HTML-PopupTreeSelect/
* License : same as Perl 5 (GPL or Artistic)
Programming Lang: Perl
Description : Perl module for HTML popup tree widget
This module creates an HTML popup tree selector. The HTML and
Javascript produced will work in Mozilla 1+ (Netscape 6+) on all
operating systems, Microsoft IE 5+ and Safari 1.0. For an example,
visit this page:
I based the design for this widget on the xTree widget from WebFX.
You can find it here:
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