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Re: net-tools future

On Mar 15, Martín Ferrari <tincho@debian.org> wrote:

>  * netstat : sstat provides almost the same information, just some
> formatting changes and parsing the command line
While I am happy to see ifconfig and route go, I am not sure that
netstat is in the same category and should be replaced with something
which is not 100% compatibile in the output.

>  * nameif: can be replaced by "ip link", not sure if it's worth the
> effort (does anybody actually use it?)
Kill it ASAP, it's not compatible with udev.

>  * plipsetup, slattach: we don't know of any replacement for those, but
> could be distributed separately too. Also, it's dubious if anyone still
> uses them.
I expect that some people still do, and I think it's reasonable to
continue distributing them in a extra priority package.


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