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Re: Upcoming Section changes in the archive

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 09:07:35PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

> While we acknowledge that something like debtags will make a better
> long-term solution, we do not think that it is ready yet to completly
> replace sections (e.g. because it isn't assured that all packages have
> tags). This is why we chose to go ahead and adjust what we have,
> instead of hoping that debtags can mature enough in time for squeeze.

There are other issues that make debtags not quite suitable to replace
sections: for example, the workflow is different.  Sections are chosen
by maintainers and ftp-masters, while tags are chosen by a mix of
people.  With the number of tags in the vocabulary approacing 600, we
just can't ask maintainer, ftp-masters, noone really, to know all of
them, and to know how and when to use them properly.

> The new sections are:
> ruby                     Everything about ruby, an interpreted object oriented
>                          language.
> java                     Everything about Java
> video                    Video viewers, editors, recording, streaming
> fonts                    Font packages
> gnustep                  The Gnustep environment
> xfce                     The XFCE Desktop, fast and lightweight Desktop
>                          Environment.
> httpd                    Webservers and their modules
> localisations            Language packs
> debug                    Debug packages
> lisp                     Everything about Lisp
> vcs                      Version control systems
> haskell                  Everything about haskell
> zope                     Zope/Plone Framework
> database                 Databases
> kernel                   Kernel and Kernel modules

I would like to consider this an opportunity to use sections to encode
something that fits with their workflow, that is: can we use sections to
carry information that only the maintainer and ftp-master can fill in,
or information for which it's safe and good that maintainer and
ftp-masters have the last say?

I noticed that most of the replies to this message are a run to add
one's favourite section to the list.  Are you sure that you want to go
in that direction?  Where would it lead except to having a poorer
version of debtags?

Some of the current sections *are* useful.  'libs' is useful.  'oldlibs'
is *very* useful, and I'd like to make a Debian QA tag "depends on a
library with section 'oldlibs'", once I find a nice algorithm to compute
the set of packages for it.  I'm happy that 'locali[sz]ations' and
'debug' are added.

All of these section group packages with very specific semanthics: a
package manager can hide 'libs' and 'oldlibs', can provide a special way
to install 'debug' packages corresponding to normal packages currently
installed.  Can offer a list of 'localisation' options for currently
installed packages.  Can warn when trying to install a package that
depends on an 'oldlibs' library, or if given a choice between an
'oldlibs' dependency and another one, pick the other one.  'oldlibs'
could be renamed to 'deprecated', come to think of it, and include
packages that are not libraries but that are still around until we
manage to get rid of them.

'text' is useless, and probably 'video' is going to be useless as well.
Debtags is what you would use for that information.  Putting java
libraries into 'java' instead of 'libs' would just make it harder for a
package manager to hide libraries.  Debtags will work for that,
so no big deal, but at the moment 'libs' is nice because it allows me to
auto-tag packages from that section, based on reliable information
provided by the maintainers.

Let's find more semantically sound sections.  For example, a section
"fringe", that the maintainer can use to signal that the package is
being used, but only by few people or in specific environments or
fields.  We could give specific suggestions on how to consider such
packages, for example we could suggest not to openly expose to the
internet a 'fringe' server, even if it has no open security bugs.  Or
given the choice between a 'fringe' dependency and another one, prefer
the other one.

How about a section for packages that are not maintained upstream

Another one could be a 'data' section for "$FOO-data" packages, like
game data, that are always pulled in as dependencies and do not make
sense alone.  Another thing with a clear semanthic, and that for example
package managers could comfortably hide.

I hope I didn't take a tangent that is too weird to make sense.  But
given the premise that sections are useless, rather than just make them
more diversely useless, I'd prefer to twist them a bit into something



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