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db.debian.org/password.html : Why ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to setup OpenSSH for RSA


Recent openssl issue lead me to http://db.debian.org/password.html and
made me wonder why script example uses DSA key while main text only
talks about RSA key.

| Alternatively, you can do without a password and use PGP to manipulate your
| LDAP information through the mail gateway and use SSH RSA Authentication to
| access the servers. To setup OpenSSH for RSA you need to first generate a
| private RSA key using ssh-keygen and select a good passphrase for it. Then send
| the public portion of the key to the LDAP directory:
| gpg --clearsign < ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | mail change@db.debian.org
| NB: Only version 2 RSA keys are accepted. Version 1 RSA keys (i.e. identity.pub
| files) will not work.

If main text is s/RSA/RSA\/DSA/g , I understand script example but ...

Is there any reason to use DSA key insted of RSA key(~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) ?

Just curious,


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