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Re: RFC: DKMS - Dynamic Kernel Module Support

Le jeudi 11 septembre 2008 à 17:29 +0200, David Paleino a écrit :
> > > 1) It includes a kernel postinstall hook. This means that, the moment kernel
> > > headers get installed, your modules are automatically rebuilt.
> > 
> > Seems just as easy (or diffiuclt) to implement with module-assistant,
> > right?
> > 
> > Is it possible to generate a package at a package post-install hook?
> The short answer: probably not, but DKMS is not "following this way".
> The long answer: here's the "problem" -- currently m-a just generates .deb
> packages, which are handled by apt-get, dpkg and the such.
> DKMS would instead handle all that by itself -- and to remove a module, you'd
> need to do something like:
> # dkms remove -m <module> [-v <version] [...<lots of other options>...]

This is definitely the correct way to build extra modules. This could
      * The end of the nightmare for users who need to rebuild their
        modules by hand every time the kernel ABI changes.
      * More smoothness for testing migration of non-free modules, which
        could simply be shipped as source.

Please go ahead in this direction.

One of the issues I’m wondering about is: how do you ensure you always
have the kernel headers for the installed kernels?

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