Re: conglomeration packages (Re: Will nvidia-graphics-drivers ever transition to testing?)
Le May 16, 2008 09:10:35 am Lennart Sorensen, vous avez écrit :
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 06:28:36PM -0400, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> > I don't see your point.
> I can have libfoo1 and libfoo2 installed and used at the same time so
> both applications compiled for libfoo1 and libfoo2 can be used at the
> same time. I can recompile my applications for libfoo2 as I get around
> to it. When everything is recompiled libfoo1 can be removed.
> For kernel modules, I have to recompile all the kernel modules in order
> to move to a new kernel since I can't use a mixture of kernel modules
> for two different kernel versions since I can only be running one kernel
> at a time.
I still don't see your point.
> > We were talking about nvidia-graphics-drivers. Prebuilt nvidia LKM
> > packages are already built by dedicated source packages.
> No, the nvidia package generates nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-dev,
> nvidia-kernel-source and such. It does NOT know anything about building
> modules for specific kernel variants. That is done manually by someone
> so far (and hence seems to be a bit infrequent). The
> linux-modules-*-2.6 package makes it possible to simply have the
> buildd's take care of that job.
There are several nvidia* source packages. Those that contain "modules" are
dedicated for prebuilt nvidia LKM-s. The nvidia* source packages are included
in those shown on
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