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Re: Considerations for 'xmms' removal from Debian

On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Julien BLACHE wrote:
> I really don't see the problem in keeping xmms around until there's
> a viable alternative.

There's no problem so long as there as someone who is actually willing
to maintain it and be responsible for both it and GTK+ 1.2.

Unless you are willing to step up and maintain it, arguing against the
current maintainer's decision to request the removal XMMS seems kind
of odd. [Surely you don't expect -qa to maintain it?]

Don Armstrong

Our days are precious, but we gladly see them going
If in their place we find a thing more precious growing
A rare, exotic plant, our gardener's heart delighting
A child whom we are teaching, a booklet we are writing
 -- Frederick Rükert _Wisdom of the Brahmans_ 
 [Hermann Hesse _Glass Bead Game_]

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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